
Product Details:

Flash is a research based combination containing Mirbano Oil induces and promotes flowering sets in fruitation and prevents premature dropping of flowers. This in turn increases the yield it is highly effective on cotton, soyabean, on seeds horticultural crops, Nori cultural crops & pulses. Very suitable for cotton, soybean and all types of greens vegetables.

Directions for use:
  • For Cotton green peas, brinjal, tomato chilli and other vegetable crops-one spray after 25 days interval.
  • For soyabean, paddy, wheat, oilseeds and pulses, onespray after 25 days interval.
  • For flower plants like- rose, jasmine, crossandra, chrysanthemum etc once in 20 days.
  • For fruits and horticultural crops once in 20 days.
Dose :

0.50 ml to 1 ml Flash-80 in 1 liter of water to spray on crops. First spray before flowering Second spray during fruit formation and third spray during the grand growth period of the crop


Keep away from children, food and feed stufts. Store in a cool & dry place away from open flame & sunlight.